Experts say the key to being happy is being grateful. Reminding ourselves of all the gifts in our lives is what they say leads to happiness. Go ahead, try it. Close your eyes and think of a few things you are grateful for in your life and we bet you’ll start to get all the feels.
This is why we love Thanksgiving. Of course, Thanksgiving is about the food, the togetherness and the endless opportunities for table décor, but it’s also about giving thanks and being present to appreciate what we already have.
In that spirit we started the Thanksgiving Project. The Thanksgiving Project is a set of 15 cards, each with a simple question letterpress printed on it. The questions are about what inspires you, what you are grateful for, and what you have learned from the past year. The project’s mission is to create connection by the simple act of answering a question.
We suggest starting off with the youngest person at your table. Then watch and listen, from the mouths of babes come the cuteness. We put the cards in a bowl and let them be part of the table setting, which we like to keep simple. We usually start with a little greenery, and eucalyptus is our favorite for both Christmas and Thanksgiving. We layer with festive white pumpkins and our white linen Signature Candles. And don’t forget your place cards, they add a touch of sophistication and another crisp and clean design element, which you know we love.
Then it’s time to celebrate. Carve the turkey, pour the wine, and add one of our favorite new traditions to yours with the Thanksgiving Project.
Take your time, take your turn, and answer a question. What are you grateful for? Download the cards here. Share at your family table or on your zoom Thanksgiving celebration.