Never too late

Never too late

It is hard to believe how fast your kids' childhood goes by. One minute you're in a fog bumping through sleepless nights and feedings. The next thing you know, you're dropping them off at preschool-tearing up on your way out the driveway. We can relate. 

We marvel daily at how fast it goes and how fleeting this time can seem. The impulse to hold on to it all so tightly is really strong. Especially with the release of our Baby Book

Truthfully, it's taken the whole studio by storm. All we can talk about is who we're going to gift it to, how many we need for ourselves and how we can't wait to fill them out. We've become consumed, and we can't wait to put our books together. 

What we've realized, more than anything, is that it's never too late to get this project going.

It's not surprising how many parents here have said they never had the time to put a baby book together. Having babies takes up a lot of time. But there is no time like the present, and there is no better present than getting this done, and doing it right. We can't wait to see what you do. Share it with us at #sugarpaperbabybook