Behind the pink

Behind the pink

The color pink represents caring, compassion and love. Truth be told, we didn’t know that when we chose it, but it makes sense since that is what motivates everything we do here.

When we opened Sugar Paper we wanted the store to feel happy. Our first store had a pale pink floor we painted by hand. The opening of that store was a labor of love and everyone who came in felt it. That store, with that pretty pink floor, made people feel loved. We fell in love with that shade of pink. Sugar Paper pink. It’s pink, but not too pink. It’s blush, but not peachy.  It’s a hard color to nail down and we like that about it.

Pink makes everyone feel good. It’s a lovely neutral that is not intimidating. It’s happy, inviting, and girly and that was the kind of store we wanted to open.

We use lots of different colors on our custom stationery and product designs, but we’ve never strayed from pink and we never will. It’s on walls in the studio, chairs in our office and our wardrobes more often than not. Jamie even puts it in her spreadsheets! Yet still, we never tire of it.

For us pink is a state of mind. It’s chic, beautiful, happy, friendly, all things Sugar Paper is.