Yay, it's our birthday!
In 2003 we opened a paper shop in Los Angeles and called it Sugar Paper.
We started selling stationery to people who loved it as much as we did. Little did we know that we were opening much more than a shop, we were creating a brand. A brand that would grow like us, as we grew into businesswomen and mothers and grew families of our own.

So here we are on Sugar Paper’s 20th birthday and we’re here to celebrate!
We’re celebrating all of it - we’re celebrating this little company of ours and all the people who helped put Sugar Paper on the map. We’re celebrating the very first clients and the first group of shop girls from Tennessee. We’re celebrating the first press that arrived on our doorstep and the pressmen who have printed alongside us for the last twenty years.

We’re celebrating the countless women who poured their hearts into their work to make Sugar Paper what it is today. We’re celebrating us and we’re celebrating you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you from two girls who still love paper as much as we did when we started.
Here’s to twenty years and to many more!
Chelsea Shukov + Jamie Grobecker